Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The 11th hour

I'm a first hour girl who lives in an 11th hour world. Let me explain what I mean by this. I'm a punctual person who likes organization. I know if you saw my house or my desk you wouldn't believe the organization part but if you looked at my schedule, my girl scout level preparedness would shine through like a beacon.

While I like to be ahead of the curve and schedule things in advance, pack things in advance, and in general be ready for things ahead of time this world I live in has other plans. I am learning more and more to trust in the 11th hour provision.

No matter how I try to work things out and have a plan it always fails. After all plans are only made to be broken right? But what I'm learning to count on is that God always works it out for me. Not on my time schedule mind you and most often in the 11th hour.

For example, I've had items on craigslist for month's that finally sold just this week. Things that have been causing me anxiety have fallen into place just in these last couple weeks before departure. I feel like life is one giant repetitive lesson in faith. I sometimes feel like a kid at the doctor when it comes to my faith; "Did you do what you are supposed to do?" No. "What are you going to do?" Listen.

I call this Peace Corps experience a journey because it is just that. I haven't even left yet and have already learned and grown a ton. Daunting as this whole thing has been I'm excited that here, in this 11th hour, things are all falling into place. Each and every day another puzzle piece comes together by no doing of my own. Pure blessings.

James 1:2-4  Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.


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