in Virginia but raised mostly in Colorado. Brought up camping in a crib
and climbing in diapers it's no wonder I love the outdoors. From
camping and backpacking, to hiking, motorcycling, and snowboarding, my
love of the outdoors is apparent. I love my God and my dog (you see what
I did there lol). I'm a fighter and a lover. I'm passionate and
stubborn. I'm rough-and-tumble but emotional as any woman. I hate
spiders and lies. And won't stand for disrespect. I achieve. I am
blessed. I am my maker's child.

grew up with two loving parents: Scott and Frankie Ward. Yes, my mother
is named Frankie. After my great grandfather Frank. Our history is rich
as is our love. I have two younger siblings Sarah (3 years younger) and
Jb or Joshua Benjamin (9 years younger). Growing up with them wasn't
always peachy but I'm glad I have deep relationships with both now. I
don't know if it's a first child thing or merely the Chrismon genes
(mother's side) in me but I'm stubborn as a mule when I set my mind to
something. This served both as an asset and a pain in the ass---et to my
parents growing up. Probably mostly the last one.

had a childhood rich with friends and memories. Mostly cruising the
neighborhood on my bike, staking out adventures in my tree fort, and
playing in the overgrown ditch (bringing snakes inside was always my
mother's favorite.....no really ask her sometime :) ) I played a few
sports growing up but dance was always my passion. Throughout the years I
always found a way to dance be it through davidic dancing, swing
dancing, tango, salsa, blues, ballet,tap, jazz, modern, or African. In a
classroom, before and audience, or socially. I taught swing dance for 9 years and now I enjoy dancing and preforming with an African group named Jamoral.

grew up in several different churches ranging from Church of Christ, to
Evangelical, to Baptist, to the Messianic Synagogue where I ended back
up when I finally had to find my own way. I was blessed growing up with
two parents who really exemplify what it means to follow Yeshua and be
that picture he wants for all parents. I'm sure they wouldn't agree and
would say they screwed up plenty but I know the unconditional fatherly
love spoken of in scripture because of the way my father loved
me...Through thick and thin.

Mother's main role growing up aside from feeding us was driving us
around. We were always involved in what felt like a million things! I
don't know how she did it. From after school band practices, to weekend
retreats, to dance practice, to math tutoring, to awanas, to sleepovers,
to school, to band trips. She was always the mom on the sideline. She
taught us to be responsible- you see we only got three "saves" a year.
So forgetting your lunch money wasn't exactly as important as forgetting
your science project or book report that was due today! She raised us
to be tough. He favorite phrases growing up were "Toughen up" and " What
doesn't kill you makes you stronger." So strong I became, organized I
became,a problem solver I became, responsible I became.....or I didn't
eat lunch lol. I don't know how she did it all particularly when I was
in high school, my sister was in middle school, and Jb was still in
elementary school. Three different start times, three different
schedules, and three very different children with different needs and
interests. But despite her always saying I was the first pancake I think
I turned out alright ;).

being said I was always a bit of a Daddy's girl. Dad was always in the
garage and so was I. When he was building a shed I was nailing 2x4s
together (making who-only-knows what). So it was only natural that my
first car came at the age of 14, a year and a half before I could drive
it....on the streets. My dad spent a year and a half in that garage
fixing up that old rx-7 with me. And probably what would amount to
another year and half in all the fixes over the following years. From
replacing hatch hydrolics, to welding a cat, to a custom fiberglass hood
scoop, wing, and paint job he helped me with whatever I wanted or
needed on that car. I learned how to drive on a race course before I was
ever legal to drive on the streets earning me the nickname Speedy
Gonzales in my master drive course as a teenager.

teenage years well let's just say they weren't the easiest. High school
is a rough world. And somehow I think it's even harder for kids now. I
coached my old high school forensics team for several years in college
and realized how brutal it is from a more mature standpoint. Funny how
hindsight is 20/20. But somehow I survived and graduated and while that
felt like an achievement it was nowhere near the end of my schooling.
You see I come from a looooong line of teachers and growing up it wasn't
a question of whether or not you go to college only a question of
I ended up at UCCS for college and lived at home for a
while to save on expenses, but eventually tensions ran high and I
experienced the full burden of living on my own. Rent and all! Boy did
that grow me up fast! I worked all through college. Several years
working full time, going to school full time, and coaching the forensics
team part time. In retrospect I'm not sure how I did all that. But I
guess G-d gives you the umph when you need it. I came out on the other
end with a BS in Business, which I find to be all to appropriate
considering most of what I learned was probably sugar coated BS :). I
eventually plan to go back for my master's degree.

now work as a Supervisor of Utility Management. Funny how my worst subject was math and I
look at and play with numbers all day now. I have a small photography
business on the side that I do as much for passion as money. I love
being behind the lens of a camera. I teach swing dancing on the weekends
and am part of what my friends like to call a "women's biker gang." Don't
worry I'm not in a gang I'm part of a Women on Wheels Chapter here in
the Springs named Mountain Shadow Riders. Just to negate the gang
comment we do all kinds of community work and last year raised 22k
dollars for breast cancer through our annual motorcycle run. In my free time I'm
either dancing, outside - hiking, camping, or snowboarding, motorcycling
depending on the season, or just relaxing with the family.

wouldn't say my life has been completely easy but it has been
completely blessed. G-d has given me everything I need when rubber meets
the road. He's blessed me in school, work, friends, family, and now my next adventure into the unknown. A lot of experiences and elements in life have
shaped me into the person I am today but in the darkest hours HE has
always been my peace and strength and will continue to be the light that leads me.
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