Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A chance to change the world...

I had a feeling. Some call it a gut feeling, some say it's intuition, I know it to be the spirit leading. I had almost forgotten about my application to Peace Corps since it had been so long without hearing anything, but in the weeks before a business trip to India I had a nagging feeling there would be developments in my application process. So needless to say when I got a request for more paperwork a week into my month long India trip I just laughed.

The selection for PC is pretty rigorous and something like 1 in 3 or 1 in 5 that apply make it in. So my hopes for this drastic career move were just that, hopes. But as I sat in my hotel bed trying to figure out my answers to the last piece of the puzzle my heart smiled. What I had not guessed is that mere hours after submitting my questionnaire I would receive my official invite via email. After all everything I had read said that those invites were a big blue packet in the mail.

The email subject read Peace Corps-Invitation. My heart skipped a beat. My palms turned sweaty. After so many mixed emotions the past months on where my life was heading I didn't have a single thought in my head. Now I'm not normally a person with any lack of words or thoughts to share but for a good 30 mins I went empty! Shock! It took me a minute to open the email. I took a deep breath (I think, perhaps I just held my breath) and clicked open the email. The first line read "Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that we invite you to begin training in Zambia for Peace Corps service."

Wide-eyed I stared at the screen in awe. I almost couldn't move. You see when I applied the deal was anywhere in the world they wanted to send me. And while I have had a heart to work in Africa I was prepared for anywhere. I was always raised with the saying that G-d gives you the desires of your heart or he changes your heart. Well the good L-rd did just that. Blessed with the prospect of teaching English in Africa.

I know some volunteers have to think about their acceptance and take time to reply. Not this girl! As soon as I got over the shock and could move I hit that accept button. After all my prayer for the last year had been "I'll go where you send me." Word to the wise: Be careful what you tell G-d you will do, he might just take you up on it!

So I will be serving as a RED Volunteer (Rural Education Development) living in rural Zambia (read: mud and thatch hut with no utilities) starting June 2014. I knew this would be a year of change and a new chapter in my life but I had no idea it would be this exciting!

I know many volunteers leave fresh out of college with a mission to change the world. You know the whole love and peace thing...but I leave with a mission to touch just a few lives. I know I will come and go and there will be other volunteers after me. I know my presence won't end hunger or cure disease BUT I also know I can make an impact in the smallest of ways. And if I leave my 2 years of service with only one person that is a little better off I will know it was all worth it. The seeds we plant today may not be forests overnight but I pray that G-d will use me in the most awesome ways during my time in Africa.

The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single keystroke?

As life took an unexpected turn so did my goals and desires. I began to think about where I was headed and what I really wanted. My purpose became clear. My desires became less selfish and my heart turned servant. I had wanted to serve in the Peace Corps with my Fiance once he finished his degree. While his plans changed my heart remained true. So after a while I took a leap of faith and applied.

I think it's true that we as humans reap what we sow. I was quickly interviewed and nominated, then promoted at work, developed some terrific friends, learned a ton about myself, and learned to love life again. While I'm still in process of my journey and carving out my future I have most certainly come to a crossroads. I was so eager to pick up and move on when I first applied and now I'm at a point where I love everything I do. None the less I have vowed to go where Yah leads. So should the door open I'll venture into the unknown, should it close I'll continue to serve my community right here in beautiful Colorado. I eagerly await the big and beautiful future ahead of me. The mixed emotions continue to flow however I know if I follow his path I will be in perfect harmony with my maker.

2 years 2 bags

Since being invited to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer the question has been banging at my door. What do I bring? With only 2 checked bags totaling 80 100 lbs the list will have to be rather limited. I, like any good future PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer), have poured over packing lists, read every little detail I can about Zambia and even sought advice from current volunteers. However I think it's one of those things that you really won't ever get right or feel like you made all the good choices. But alas that's the joy in life. Right? What fun would the unknown be if it was truly known?!

For the control freak in me this presents a challenge. But for the adventurer in me I think "what will I MacGyver up with my limited resources?"

It's funny how the prospect of putting everything you are and will be in two bags brings out the true nature of a person. My first reaction: "psh it's like camping for 2 years, no biggie." My second reaction: "What only 2 bags? How will I bring all the things I need to live and cloth myself?!" And by now I'm about to the point where I just want to collect all the things on my ever growing list, see what fits, and start making the cuts. As a RED Volunteer (Rural Education Development) I have to dress somewhat nice including knee length skirts and collared shirts, all the while considering the killer African heat!

So right now I'm in the process of gathering what I think will be most valuable during the next 27 month chapter of my life and tossing the rest.

As daunting as the task of packing only two bags sounds; the task of downsizing from a 2 bedroom home to a few boxes sounds even more frightening. While I'm not looking forward to the task of downsizing my life I am looking forward to the experience of cleansing myself of all my stuff aka junk. Yes I know I love the little monkey that so and so gave me as a gift on my 10th birthday, but these sentimental and emotional trinkets are weighing me down, literally! I think for me there is a fear that without the item I won't retain the memory. But when I really think about it there are so many more great things waiting to fill the memory and trinket bucket if I will just let go off the old ones. So many new adventures waiting ahead, all to be carried out with 2 bags worth of "stuff."

So out with the old and in with the new, it's a crazy adventure waiting for you (well me but that didn't ryhme)!